Thursday, July 10, 2008

Old friends....

In a prior life I worked for a beauty supplier -- we were the wholesale distributor for haircare lines, color, perms and everything you'd need to run your own salon.

One of our lines was for thinning hair -- and every once in a while I'd have a phone call from a salon about a chemo patient who didn't lose their hair while using this line.

Of course, that was many years ago -- and I'd forgotten the special combination of things...., I had to call an old friend, tell him some bumming-out news and get the right stuff.

I know he'd have been mad if I didn't have to call him, but he's someone who will worry about me but never call to check on me. He's also in Red State most of the time, so I don't run into him -- and I never would have had to tell him if I didn't need the special shampoo...

I should admit that talking to him was nice -- because he knew me a long time ago -- and he was kind of like the older brother I never wanted, but miss when I don't see him :). On the other hand, bumming him out made me sad....

but -- I have the stuff, I tried it today.... and I'll let you know what happens...

The thing about this line is that they used to include info on how chemo patients could use it -- but, because each person reacts differently to chemo in terms of hair loss, they could never prove that the people who both used it and kept their hair, didn't lose their hair because of the shampoo. The Cancer Industrial Complex went nuts on them and they pulled back the info --

on the other hand, I figure that it can't hurt -- the shampoo itself is good and will be good to wash my scalp with, if all I'm left with is scalp :).

1 comment:

Bardiac said...

We could send you hats and bandanas! From all over! Just in case?

(You know, sending stuff doesn't sound half bad, does it?)

My spam block is "otctuds" - octopus attitudes=bug an octopus, get a face full of sucker things and ink.