Thursday, July 03, 2008

Garden Update....

Our new place (new as of last August) has a nice sized deck. It faces southeast, so it gets good sunlight when it isn't hot -- and is shady in the afternoon, just in time for book reading...

I have a bunch of flowers, mostly petunias and geraniums. The colors of the season are white and purple... mostly because they look good against the backdrop of the trees across the way.

I also planted a tomato plant, cherry tomatoes, strawberries some catnip, basil, lavender, chives and oregano.

Lately my duties have been limited to dead-heading and picking stuff -- and Hubby has done the watering duties, as the watering cans I have are kind of big -- thus are also heavy.

This evening I noticed that a whole bunch of my cherry tomatoes are nearly ripe. I also have a few ripe strawberries and my big tomato plant has several smallish green tomatoes!!!

Perhaps the best news is that the catnip plants have a bunch of buds, which we will dry for our feline owners -- as the catnip goodness is concentrated in the buds... they go nuts for the fresh leaves, the fresh and/or dried buds ought to make them quite happy.

So, this weekend we'll have 'funky spaghetti' -- which is made with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, a little garlic, oregano and chives. The key is that you put all the produce together (squishing the tomatoes) with olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar... you let that sit in the bowl (no cooking) while you make the pasta. Then you toss the hot pasta on top of the produce, let it sit a few minutes, and serve. The pasta heats up the produce just a little -- but it maintains the freshness.... yummmm.


susan said...

Yumm...we call that garden pasta, where you mix up whatever's in the garden and ripe with oil, usually cheese, too, and pasta. Enjoy! nothing in our garden is ripe enough yet.

Psych Post Doc said...

Your pasta sounds amazing!!! I hope you enjoyed it.