Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hapy things...

.. there has been some sad news at BNCC... and a bit scary because someone with breast cancer had her cancer return after 6.5 years, and now it's too late. I don't know her, but she's close to many of my friends and colleagues and quite a few of them are deeply saddened by this, so I feel it too.

So -- I think I need to post some happy things, just to get myself thinking about them:
  • The Farmer's Market -- loads of veggies and lots of change leftover from $40.00.
  • The orderly nature of BNcity's downtown drivers... so unlike Manhattan, where I was last Saturday.
  • My cats, all snuggles and sleeping in the sun for the Queen while the Minion (perhaps Prince of Darkness is a better term) is lounging about in the shadows plotting my demise.
  • The Minion/PoD has taught me how to play fetch with him -- using one of several Starbursts stolen from the candy bowl. He brings them to me in his mouth (usually when I'm sleeping) and I throw them out the door to the bedroom. He brings it back and we repeat until I'm awake and he's ready for a nap. For some reason we only play with Starbusts (generally lemon) and we only play in bed.
  • Nice summer weather = hardly any reason to use the AC!!
  • My porch plants have survived (mostly) my travels and still look good. I think I'll spend some porch time this afternoon doing Fall course prep and a little grading.
and -- the big one -- Hubby is crossing all the midwestern "I" states today. That means tomorrow he'll be home!!!!


Unknown said...

LOL the Minion playing fetch! The monster kitty does, too, with both toy mousies and especially with foam earplugs! She *loves* them! Hubby is teaching her to sit using them, which is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

glad to see the happy things.