Friday, March 10, 2006

Domestic -- cat update

We have three cats -- one more than our leas allows, but they are a happy little community and I'd never consider getting rid of one because their very living became inconvenient. They do fave their own quirks anc challenges...

Mrs. Old kitty has a hard time getting enough sleep or affection. The affection bit is because she's naughty and likes to pee in our bedroom, so she's now banned from there. She used to sleep about 96 hours a day on our bed. Now she sleeps on what has become her chair in the living room. We change the cover when company comes, just before -- as she's a high vollume shedder and frequent puker. She is at least 17 years old, small and white. This puts her out of regular affection range for us, but she does come to get a snuggle once in a while -- I think she probably prefers it that way.

The sleep bit is is simply because she's really old -- my hubby and I have developed a new test to see if you think your cat is old -- if you regularly ask your spouse if you've seen the cat breathe lately, or touch her to see if she's still alive -- you have an old cat.

Mr. Blind kitty is blind because of cataracts -- he gets around fine -- is REALLY good at finding the food dish etc.. but, he's blind. He is also really anxious for a cat, he's always been that way and now if he gets turned around in the apartment he shows how good he is at working his vocal cords. The racket is amazing. To reduce his stress, he likes to eat paper. D1 and the gang were over on Monday night for dinner and ballot reading. D1 left some flows of debates from our tournament on the floor -- Mr. Blind kitty has been munching on them -- I had to stop Mr. Blind kitty, or things get ugly later for him.....

Mr. Multi-toes is as normal as a cat with 6 extra toes can be -- he's about 11 and is fully functional. Sometimes he and Mr. Blind get into a tussle, but it is more of a formality to let Mr. Blind kitty re-live the old days when he was master of the house... Also, Mr. Multi-toes loves to play with his water dish, and since we've recently moved it to the kitchen we notice it now.

Generally, I'd NEVER consider living someplace where we couldn't have at least two cats -- and in the last few apartments we've had, we've had an illegal cat because there are very few places we could have three legally. That is why I find the blogging friend who would let her mom put them down sooooo sad and wrong

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