Sunday, March 05, 2006

Debate -- tournament hosting

Been REALLY busy hosting a tournament here at BNCC...

It has been fun, stressful and exhausting - but, good too.

We had schools come from across the midwest/Southish area to debate in three different formats.. The result is the following schedule for me...

10:30 -- get to school after doing a bunch of prep -- do more -- 2:00 everyone comes to register, 2:30 -- 7:00 debate rounds.
7:00 AM BE AT SCHOOL (aargh...) leave at 9:50 PM... debate all day, long day...
7:15 AM, BE AT SCHOOL -- double aargh -- leave ???? don't know -- hopefully by 7 PM

tomorrow -- sleep, clean, laundry dinner for the debaters for nationals...

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