Saturday, March 18, 2006

Dissertatin -- summer plans

Spring 06 plans...
April --As dog dad says, why not turn in your area papers to see what they say about them? They worst they can do is to say no, and you are functionally there anyway. So--- I'll give myself a few days to get caught up and then give the papers one more proof and send them to grad school. They are supposed to give good critiques of the papers -- and that will give me ideas as to paths to revisoins.

Also -- e-mail current authority to ask for a copy of his work in my area. He told me in February he could send it in April... yea!

Summer 06 plans...
May -- a couple of days of R & R --- then three hours of writing per day to:
Work on revisions from comments on Spring 06....
Develop status quo chapter on justice after war...(i.e. lit review..).

June --
Conference at the end of June, so I'll have to work on my seminar and exercises -- 1 week, plus 4 days for conference
Work on objections to status quo and solutions chapter.

July --
Short vacation -- probably camping or NYC for a long weekend...
Get ready for Fall 06
Devise plan for next chapter, look at project to see what is missing...

August --
Debate camp (probably... we'll see for sure).
Short break before school starts again....

Wow, when put into this format, there isn't a whole lot of time. I'll see what I can get done.

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