Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well.. that took longer than I thought it would...

... the sabbatical application, that is.

It is done -- at least for now... and I managed to make a pretty decent case for the use of most of my dissertation in my class, as a text. It is about an applied ethics topic, so both the theory and the application parts are relevant. It is also intended, in the long term, as a resource for people outside of philosophy, so I try to keep it as readable as possible...

I also managed to work the experience of writing and revising into an enrichment experience that will translate -- THANKS Julie and others who suggested that one!! I even extended that to the one conference I'll probably go to next year -- because I also assign presentations and, as such, learn what it is like to present.

My dean's advice was to focus on how the dissertation experience will translate into the classroom... the form gives about 1/2 page to explain that --- I went over, (single spaced, small margins and small font) by about two pages.

Hopefully the tap dance will pay off... I'm not sure how many others in my hiring cohort will be applying, so I hope my pre-BNCC teaching at a local CC will help me a little... After writing the application, I really want to write the freaking dissertation.

Hopefully, a year from now I'll be in month 3 of the sabbatical plan -- I suspect I won't be nearly as enthusiastic about the freaking dissertation...


Anonymous said...

I haven't started the application. so it takes longer than I expect? yikes. better get going.

good luck!

julie said...

Well done, Chica!