Friday, October 10, 2008


Post is going poof...

I'm probably going to apply and see what happens...

Wish me luck.

As much as I love BNCC and my amazing colleagues, I'd love that job even more.... and there is a lot of potential there for my sweet hubby.


or, not... the ad on their own website specifies an 'earned doctorate' --- and it is a limited term position... three years to start, to be renewed for up to four more. That makes it less attractive.... I'm not so sure I want to do it again in 3-7 years, especially if hubby would be giving up a shot at tenure to come with me.

Also, the pay would probably be less than I'm making now. The cost of living there is less, but we'd still have at least one year of dual-household living expenses, commuting AND student loans.... So, maybe not.


Unknown said...

Apply for the job!!! Sounds like you have an awesome shot at it. And you'll certainly be motivated to get the diss done ASAP. AND I've heard the military academies pay VERY well-- like twice as much as the norm.

Anonymous said...

what did I miss???!!!

Anonymous said...

what was here yesterday? BC?
sounds like a good fit.
best of luck!

julie said...

Dear Good-friend-I'd-hate-to-to-lose:

Apply! Then take a one-year leave from BNCC. You'll know after a year if you want to stick around for the rest of the fixed-term and the possibility of renewal.

Go for it, Chica!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

The problem is the completed PhD requirement -- I can't defend by their December deadline. My application would go right in the recycle bin... sigh.

If I had a draft now, I might be able to pull it off. As it is, I'm short 2 complete chapters and have major revision work on another two.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I also re-read the job announcement... because I'm still wishing --

It is possible that it is more like a three year contract followed by a series of up to four year contracts. If that's the case, then this job could be open again when I'm ready and qualified :) -- and I'd be fine with such a situation. It is kind of like renewable tenure... sort of. I know I'd be able to earn renewal... because I'm just that good :).

Dang it, if I only had a solid defense date this fall -- I'd be a good candidate. They want someone who has demonstrated a commitment to undergraduate education -- hmmm... a 5/5 load, up to 250 students / semester with no TA help... I'm either committed to undergraduate education or I should be committed to an institution...

Unknown said...

If we're talking about the same job ad, then you don't need to defend until the start date-- July 6th (and not the application deadline). Just do it! The initial application process seems pretty manageable-- and, hence, not a total waste of time if they don't want you.

susan said...

If you're defending this year, apply (if that's the only factor keeping you from doing so). You can always turn down a job if it turns out not to be a good fit once it's offered; if it seems like it might work out for you and your husband, apply. Explore it.