Monday, October 27, 2008

RBO -- Good and bad at the end of October...

First -- the bad/sad...
  • The end of Hubby and I spending every weekend together... thanks to our trip to Red State and his Fall Break --- it has been really good to see him.
  • My sister would have been 37 today. Good memories of her, but today is hard -- I kind of want to go out and buy a Halloween cat birthday cake to eat in her honor, but I probably won't...
The Good...
  • Halloween = candy
  • My apartment allows Trick-or-Treaters... maybe I'll get some.
  • The end of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month", in which everyplace I go, I see pink ribbons on some product I'm supposed to buy because I have breasts -- but, I don't buy because I only have one and am VERY F-ing aware of breast cancer, thank you very much.
And -- with November, comes the end of chemo, Thanksgiving and another set of days Hubby and I can spend together (10 days, thanks to a random day off at BNCC).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thinking about you tonight. cat cake (?) might be the thing to do.