Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I love the smell of fresh grades...

I entered grades for three of my four classes.

I have the fourth class poised to go -- as soon as their final exam period comes tomorrow-- I can finish them, enter them and be DONE!

Tripple yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't be too jealous --- I do teach a 4/4 and am department chair. I had about 140ish students to grade. Tomorrow, I'll clean before the cleaning person comes on Thursday -- and do laundry.

Thursday and Friday -- writing... which I didn't have time to do during the semester. The paper is due Jan 2.


Sunshine said...

So when might they be online?

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

As soon as the people in the registrar's office do the magical process to put them there... I've entered them.

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed.

this is the first time that I'm really just aiming for the deadline -- next Tuesday! sigh.

we have guests for the next 48 hours and wrestling meets and concerts. by Friday I should get to grading.

Seeking Solace said...

Yay!!! You're almost there!!!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I did design the end of the semester assuming the Chemo would be worse than it was -- so, I kind of cheated...

Bardiac said...

I bow to your supreme gradingness!