Monday, December 08, 2008

For the record...

  • Corn state is bland, at it's best. At it's worst --- it is an icy hell.... like today. Actually, most of Corn State was ok, but the northern part -- the part that is right next to BNstate -- sucked.
  • Southern BNstate was ok. It was snowy, but folks seemed sane and the plows were out.
  • The metro area of BNState was a disaster -- snow coming down during rush hour.... re-freaking-diculous...
  • In case you are wondering, a Coldstone ice cream cake will NOT make it from Red State to BNState in the trunk of a Toyota Corolla. If you like that 'melty ice cream with your cake' stuff, it is great. Otherwise, don't try it.
  • The Queen and the Minion made a mess at home. They actually play with balls of yarn -- and have managed to knock a lot of stuff onto the floor.
  • Just now the Minion gave a loud meow (maybe the cat equivalent of a battle cry) and ran head first into the bookshelf. Don't ask me why he did this -- I think the Queen told him to...
  • I'm going to do a few little details, pick up their mess, and go to bed....

1 comment:

Dr. Crazy said...

1. You must post some more pictures of The Minion!

2. I feel as if Mr. Stripey does the battle-cry, bookshelf type charge all the time. Except he can't really meow - he chirps periodically, and sometimes he lets out a bit of a pathetic squeak, but quite often he'll open his mouth as if meowing and no sound comes out. It really ruins the whole "I'm very scary!" thing for him.