Saturday, November 03, 2007

A race for coffee...

Hubby's idea, to talk on our cell phones as we go get coffee. He's in Red State, I'm in BN state.

I tell him that I'm closer to my coffee than he is to his.... he says I'm not, so the race is on...

We leave our parking spots at the same time, chatting as we go.

He goes to S'Bucks, (I could have, but would have had to get out of the car... boo... and I don't want to be THAT girl who talks on the phone in S'Bucks.... ick.).

I go to my local chain with a drive-thru....

I arrive first, as he hits a stop light just outside of his neighborhood.

I order and get in line behind three cars ---

As I wait, he pulls into his S'Bucks and orders.... with nobody in front of him.

The real question becomes, who gets coffee first.

He has to wait for his coffee, I could still win...

I pull up to the window, she hands me a muffin and says $1.65 --- In my mind, I'm saying "foiled, she didn't get my coffee order! Aargh, Hubby is going to win! Did you think I was just discussing my favorite drink... you've got to be new!" -- to her, I'm saying "yes, I did order coffee, yes, I'd like a __________, thank you."

as, hubby got his coffee....

I lost, just barely.

Tomorrow, we'll do another race. I'll spare you the details....

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