Monday, January 29, 2007

I just deleted a post... for the first time

This evening I wrote a quick post about my decision to stop coaching debate. Yes -- it is official, this will be my last year as I'm tired of a variety of things about debate, including the travel and other demands. The people I'll actually miss within the community I can count on one hand, as most of them have already left...

I deleted the last post because the first comment that was one of the meanest things I've read. It really hurt me and it seems to me as if it was uncalled for. The comment more or less said they were happy that I was quitting because they hated me and so did everyone else... also, that I'm a shitty judge and have shitty teams.

The thing is, the comment didn't really surprise me. I have a feeling I know who it was from -- and, frankly, if I'm right you aren't worth the time or energy it would take me to be pissed at you. One of the things that bothers me the most about debate is that the community tends to support that kind of meaness and overall and hatred.

What I do find a bit of a surprise is that someone who hates me so much would take the time to read my blog -- and do so faithfully enough to have a comment within the first couple of hours of my posting. Whoever you are, you should think about that for a minute. I don't spend time cyber-stalking the people I dislike -- I spend my time in a more productive manner... or at least reading the blogs of people I like. For the record, please stop reading -- I don't want you here.

So, if you are still reading this -- yea, you won. You hate me and I can't even know who you are. I don't know what I've done to piss you off so badly, but -- I can't say I'm sorry -- because you are too much of a chicken-shit to let me know who you are... hmm. So, go ahead and hold a grudge against me. Keep on feeling superior and living in your own inbred little debate world. The thing is, what you said about me is probably actually true of you, although I would never spew that kind of hate on your blog because I'm a nice person who doesn't do that kind of crap. If you can't see that, it is your problem and not mine.


Anonymous said...

ouch. sorry you got blasted. and that you won't be coaching.

Cptn. Backfire said...

I'll miss you, and I hope you'll miss me.


Addy N. said...

That's too bad about the nasty comment. I don't get why people write comments like that- like you said- why even read the blog if it annoys you so much? I can see a political discussion blog getting back and forth nastiness, but on someone's personal blog, I don't see the point.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

Sorry someone felt the need to be nasty here. So unnecessary ...

Anonymous said...

mean people suck.

comebacknikki said...

Poo on the mean person!

Rhonda said...

I'm sorry, P. I never understand why people spend time wandering around the internet being mean.

Chaser said...

I'm sorry they were so mean. Imagine. A mean anon post on the web. That's so original.

I guess I'm not sorry you won't be coaching anymore--it doesn't sound like you were enjoying much of it anymore, and you worked way hard at it. Now you'll have more time for your girl and fella and you, and I'm always one for saying "Poop" on work in favor of more real life time. I'm sure you will be missed, though.

Kate said...

Ugh. The person didn't win anything, s/he was simply revealed to be petty.

You Rock!

Working Man's Ph.D. said...

hey, I am posting here because I couldn't dig up an email address, and I wanted to say hello. Thanks for the post on my blog - seems like we have some things in common ( the debate community, with all its pros and cons). Drop me an email?