Friday, December 08, 2006

It's my birthday!

My Pajamagram arrived yesterday from hubby... the perfect pajamas were inside! I'm wearing them now -- and they feel great!

Hubby arrived home from Red State last night... it is so nice to have him home.

I was trying to figure out what seems strange about this birthday, compared to the others in the past... The answer is that I don't have ANY pressing academic stuff to do today. Because of when my birthday is, I usually have to write, take or give finals on my birthday. This went way back to my first undergrad (at BN University), where I had to take a final on a Saturday, that was also my birthday.

Plans for today -- not much. I'm planning to enjoy a day at home with the cats and the hubby. I may do a few minor errands and other tasks that will make my life easier next week -- but, if they dont get done the world won't end. Later today, hubby will get up and we'll have lefse for breakfast. He'll make me a birthday cake and maybe we'll go out for linner (the lunch/dinner equivalent of brunch). Right now, I'm going back to bed.

Lesson for the day -- dreaming about peeing isn't the same as actually getting up in the middle of the night to pee.


Addy N. said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Yay for birthdays and for husbands being home!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Sounds like a wonderful day ahead.

Chaser said...

oh! Happy Birthday!

Seeking Solace said...

Happy Birthday and Cheers!!!

Bella Sultane said...

Happy birthday!

Lucy said...

happy birthday! :)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Happy birthday!

Weezy said...

Happy Happy birthday--- cool to have a birthday buddy! To be more specific, mine's in 72 :)

comebacknikki said...

Happy belated b-day! I hope you had a great one! :)