Monday, October 02, 2006

Funnies on the radio...

So, I listen to 'chick talk' radio... i.e. talk radio that is mostly women...

Neither of these stories is about my family, although they could just have easily been my parents or grandparents.....

A while back one of the radio hosts was talking about a time when her father was in emergency surgury and the mom chose to call from a pay phone because she was concerned about using her minutes. The daughter, after the emergency had passed, explained to mom that she really should have used the cell phone for this kind of situation -- that is why they have it. At a minimum, the mom should have left the phone on so the daughter could reach her immediately. The mother responded that she didn't know when the daughter would call her back, and she didn't want to use her minutes waiting for the call back...

Mom thought minutes were used when the phone was ON...

and then there is this one...

Daughter convinces parents to buy a DVD player. Parents finally buy the DVD player and rent their favorite movie. Daughter calls the next day to see how they liked their new DVD player.... only to be told that the DVD player was defective in that it was French. Mom was irate that this store in Iowa would sell them a French speaking DVD player. She thought they'd unloaded it on them because they were old.

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