Thursday, June 01, 2006

Random rant...To the snot-nosed kid...

Dear little brat,

I see that your private school education and a little bit of success has given you significant confidence to speak on all matter of things. Did part of that education include reading anything by Plato/Socrates -- you know, the bit where Socrates explains that those who talk about what they don't know are not wise, but are really fools...

Yea, for the record --- you are a fool. Don't go talking-down those you don't know. It makes you look like an asshat when you are talking to people who actually know the person you are talking to... and badly want that person to do what you are more or less saying they aren't suited to do. It makes you look like a fool to them.

And... for the record -- the person you are bad-mouthing hasn't just been sitting on their behind since they finished their first degree -- they've been working their tail off getting another degree. They are most of the way to a third degree, in your major. Have some respect. Until you go to graduate school and see how much harder it is than your sheltered little life, you have no idea how qualified the person is you are bad-mouthing. I don't see you going to this person's relatively prestigious program, what are you doing next year anyway... never mind, I really don't care except to feel sorry for you when you realize how not special you actually are and always have been.

In fact, the school and department you are so concerned about "protecting" would be quite lucky to get the person you are denegrating. This person's capabilities are way beyond the over-priced high school you adore... the person you are so enthralled with selected the person you are bad-mouthing -- hmmm....

In short, go lay down by your dish -- bitch.


Seeking Solace said...

Wow, way to bitch slap the little snot!

App Crit said...

Brilliant. One question, though: how did you know that my students read your blog?
