Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Conference -- travel day

I spent yesterday travelling to Utah for the touchy-feely conference (from now on TFC) -- for some reason I keep coming to TFC... although each year I think it will be my last.

It is in a beautiful place (Park City Utah) -- and we are in a very nice hotel... so all is good on that front.

I'm rooming with someone from my teaching circle, who is a lot of fun and as mom would say "a good traveler" -- which is momspeak for a whole list of qualities including: --doesn't get upset when things aren't perfect, -- doesn't get mad if we get lost, --- wants to stop and look at stuff, etc... It has been really fun to get to know her so far... and, we are in a two bedroom suite, so my insomnia and snoring doesn't bother her (I hope...).

Today at TFC I expect to hear the following phrases:
-- learning styles
-- personality style
-- "honor learners"
-- energize your classroom
-- teach using play
-- varieties of lectures are not the way to teach
-- inner self...

I really should make a catch-phrase bingo card and reward myself with something if I hear them....

I still have to make copies for my presentation on Friday. Maybe today during lunch ---


Anonymous said...

enjoy! sounds like you've got the right perspective.

App Crit said...

Yes! A catch phrase bingo card--brilliant!

Do keep us posted on its progress.


Alice said...

One of my coworkers is like that -- we always go to conferences together; have been doing that for close to five years now.

Alice said...

One of my coworkers is like that -- we always go to conferences together; have been doing that for close to five years now.