Friday, June 23, 2006

TFC -- wrap-up

Y'all are right - the "Fink" is "Dee" -- who gets invoked a lot around these parts....

Yesterday the 3 hour keynote was actually a goodtime... thought provoking and very interesting. What was kind of funny was that I sat in the back row so I could duck out and our college president sat down next to me... we ended up doing some small-group discussion and I was happy to hear he and I share some concerns and ideas about the future of BNCC -- we'll see what gets done... but, at least I know his intentions are good.

I presented today -- I held a seminar on using debate in the classroom... it was fun because I had the instructors do the debating like I would my own students -- and then we talked about it etc... I got a lot of good feedback and positive vibes after the session, so I think it went well. It was really fun to have them formulate arguments and responses etc...

I also saw a really good presentation on writing better exams. It was uber-useful and well-run. I think it was probably the best seminar I went to...

I skipped the last break-outs to have a nap... shame on me -- but, they weren't really all that interesting and I tell myself that I'd fall asleep on them and that would be rude....

Honestly, the best part about this is getting to talk to other teachers. Yesterday (I think...) one of them was telling me about how terrible her students were to her -- I felt really bad for her and we spent some time talking about how to get the upper-hand with the little brats she has to teach.

I also must have been in some kind of mood or aura or something--- I ended up arguing down two of the "I'm a bit older and bitchier than you" types I was in groups with... it was kind of fun and I took it as a challenge. It must be the type, because now both want to be pals...

I'm off to the closing remarks, then dinner with the group from BNCC...

I'm on the way home tomorrow and my $10.00 for 72 hours of internet expires tonight---so, unless I find some free internet in the Salt Lake Airport -- I'll be out of touch until Sunday...

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