Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It is good to be home...

My blog would be incomplete without a photo of the old kitty.... hubby has lived with her for 16 years as of last New Year's Day. He found her malnourished at a rest area near Ogalala, NE... she is at least 17 years old and mostly sleeps...

and here is my most common blog reading position... feet on the ottoman, cat on the coffee table, my PowerBook on my lap desk... so, when I comment on your blog, you have a visual.... if you look closely you can see the nail art on my big toe..

yea, it is good to be home


Chaser said...


New Kid on the Hallway said...

Awwww, lovely kitties! I have a 15-year old kitty and he sleeps all the time too.

Anonymous said...

you missed the heat... :-)