Thursday, May 24, 2007

The pool kicked my butt.

Today I went to the gym intending to do a nice 30 minutes on the treadmill and go home...

As I walked in the door, the pool had 4 open lanes -- just begging me to come swim.

It has been a long time since I've exercised in the water, and now I can't lift my arms.

I have to admit, it is a good workout. You can do a lot of stuff without impact and without getting hot and sweaty. It also seems easier while you are doing it than it really is.

I also want to know why people think that they can just jump in a lane with me. I wouldn't get on a treadmill with them, they need to stay out of my lane... of course, I know the answer... we can share etc... but, I like having the whole thing to myself so I can either swim, walk or do water aerobics.

Oh well, I'll get used to it -- but I won't like it.

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