Because I'm turining into a travel ninja, I got us a good deal on a downtown hotel room and hubby and I dove into the Big Windy headfirst. I really like this city -- there is a lot to do, interesting people, a great lake and cool stuff to see. I'm not so sure we could live there, as hubby gets a bit tense in big cities -- but, I think we could manage.
We had an afternoon and a full day to play -- we didn't have a lot of plans and were kind of going on the Ferris Bueler theme of "go to Big Windy, and have fun"... which we did...
The first thing we did was to see some art, ala Ferris Bueler's Day Off....
and, since we spent so much time in Corn State this year, I had to get a snap of this one ---- it also seems to say something about feminism, perhaps about how far we've come....
I'm certain this has a message in it about feminism --- although I'm not so sure it is positive... If you look closely, you'll see fur in important places. I like modern art.... hubby was amazed at how my inner humanities-geek knew all these things.
In all, I think this was the best $7.00 per person we spent all weekend -- (student discount, yea!).
Instead of a ritzy French restaurant for pancreas, we went to a really hip sushi place for dinner. It is owned by a friend of an old friend of mine and was really, really good. Of course, even on a Thursday night it was full of hip people being cool -- which means we had plenty of fun people watching while we waited for our food. I was a bit surprised that it was so busy, but maybe I'm just not in on the fact that Thursday is the new Friday...
The next morning we hit the Museum of Science and Industry, which is someplace Ferris and his pals should have gone. It was pretty cool, but full of kids on field trips -- We saw the U-505 exhibit, which was pretty impressive and then went to the Aquarium.
After a nice lunch overlooking a great lake, we saw the aquarium -- which is where I got spit on by both a whale and a dolphin.. quite an accomplishment. We also saw otters and a wide variety of scaly and icky things... Overall, the $24.00 per person seemed a bit steep, and I don't thnk we'll go back there for that price.... but, it was fun to do once. I can see why Ferris didn't go....
Although, Ferris missed the penguins...
After the aquarium, we went back to the hotel for a bit and then went out to find a bookstore. You can tell hubby and I are real nerds -- we were within blocks of some of the best mile of shopping in the middle of the country and that isn't interesting at all to us, we'd rather go to Border's...
Our last night in town we got a Big Windy pizza delivered. Everyone raves about them, and it was good and all. The one we had was deep dish with the cheese on the bottom and the topings on top of that, no sauce. It was good, but not in the way that a normal pizza is good.
In the morning we said goodbye to Big Windy and spent the afternoon with smaller and less windy people on the way home to BN state.
Hey, we were just there recently!
Penguins are the best! And I love the MSI.
Are you pulling his finger in that pic? :P
yes -- I am pulling his finger.
It was hubby's idea. He insisted that I have a naughty relationship with art.
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