Thursday, May 01, 2008

I couldn't make this up...

On class evaluations...

The quesion was something to the effect of what was memorable about the class?

The answer was something like, I keep getting comments on my papers about failure to proofread, but "I'm not doing the typing most of the time."

Under anything you want to tell your instructor....

The answer was something to the effect of "I don't know how to type, so my friends type my papers and get most of my materila mixed up."

So -- the people you get to type your papers mix up your perfectly good grammar? That is next door to 'the people I've paid to write my paper have bad grammar, but it isn't my fault'.

and -- I have no idea as to why the student wasn't responsible for proofreading the stuff they handed in...



Seeking Solace said...

Sigh. Some are just a little dim.

Bitty said...

Remind me not to ask those kind of questions.

Beyond that, I am both speechless and unsurprised.