Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Goals and rewards...

This week I have a few kinds of goals...

1) Teaching --- wrapping up the year. So far I've done end of year stuff for my logic classes. My Bioethics class will turn in their late stuff tomorrow. So, tomorrow I'll grade and record their stuff. I also have some service-ish stuff to do... which should be fun, but takes time.

2) Healthy -- Generally, trying to eat better. This is slow, because my stress and exhaustion coping mechanisms are food related... So, I'm working on gradually getting better eating habits. Exercise is the other goal -- 3 days this week... Monday Hubby and I played in the pool for an hour. Today I did water aerobics, and I'll do them again on Friday. Also -- I'm trying to be in bed by 9:30 every night I don't teach -- so far so good on that one again.

3) Dissertation... I have 15 dissertation hours on the schedule -- so far I've done 2. I'll do 4 this afternoon, 5 on Friday and 4 on Saturday.

If I make all three goals, I'll give myself a garden shopping spree on Saturday afternoon.

As for next week's reward --- it is waxing, lots of waxing....(nothing icky or that doesn't show in shorts -- don't go there).


Seeking Solace said...

You go girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

yay for rewards!