Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cleaning out my files...

It started with Hubby's desire for more desk space. Which resulted in a trip to IKEA (for a cart to go behind him) and a new bookshelf for me.

That was last week.

It is ending with piles of articles on my desk and some career decisions...

I don't want to write about ancient philosophy any more... I know my pal's hubby loves it, and I'm glad he does, because I find it tedious and quibbling over an interpretation of some ancient term just isn't my thing. So all the Ancient Philosophy stuff went in the trash (recycle, but trash sounds better :) ).

I don't want to do philosophy of language any more... I find it interesting, but I'm not good at it. I might as well leave all that stuff to the people who are passionate about it, because I think it isn't my gig. All the philosophy of language stuff went away---

I do want to keep doing feminist stuff -- so I'm keeping those articles. In fact, I'm going to submit a paper to a regional feminist philosophy conference, so we'll see how that goes....

Of course, the whole point of this was to get a handle on my just war articles -- and so they sit in a big pile on the left of my desk -- and I've now made a smaller pile of cards to go along with them. The plan is to file the articles by author's last name and keep the cards handy, so I can look at them for inclusion in the dissertation.

I suppose I should also make cards for the stuff I have electronically only--- and recycle the stuff I have both on my hard drive and on paper... hmmm.

It does feel good to get rid of all that stuff I'm not using --- like I've finally figured out the area paper business is done and I can choose what I'll write about. That's a GOOOOOD feeling.

1 comment:

Coffee-Drinking Woman said...

Wow - could you ship some of that motivation to clean out files to me? I'm impressed.