Tuesday, April 03, 2007

following directions

First scenario: I don't follow the directions ---
I have to admit -- I'm sometimes not so good at following directions. Like, recently I decided I'd like to be considered for department chair. Since there were 4 of us, the procedure was to be that each candidate should write a short statement as to why they'd like the position and what they'd do if they became department chair.

The deadline was reasonable, right before debate nationals, and I just forgot to write one. I figured I'd get exactly what I deserve--- 3rd place in the (now) 3 person run-off. By contract, the top two candidates names are given to the administration and the final decision was theirs. Of course -- I didn't take 3rd, I got 2nd -- and was only a few votes from 1st. My chances are pretty good, as the other candidate going up with me has been turned down twice -- in favor of a candidate who said they didn't want to do the job...

So -- I didn't follow directions and I'll probably end up getting what I wanted in the first place. Go figure.

Second scenario: Others don't follow the directions....
I'm doing a minor service thing. It isn't a big deal, but it involves others compiling information for me and the wonder-Dean to evaluate. Nearly half of the people will be rejected because their information doesn't show they are qualified. Really, it makes it much easier for the others, nearly all of whom will be considered.

Moral of the story -- if you really want something, follow directions....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mazal tov. I think.
if you're sure you want it...