Monday, July 23, 2007


Hubby and I have a ritual.

We pre-order the book, one copy.

Hubby eagerly awaits the Saturday delivery. This time it came at about 4:00 PM. He was done reading it about 11ish and gave it to me.

I'm slower, I read the first 75 pages or so last night and the rest today -- although, in my defense, I did sleep in a bit and thus got a slow start on it this morning.

I finished about midnight.

yea, it was a good book...

Does it make me a hopeless dork that I did the math and figured out that one of my former debaters could actually BE a child of Voldemort?

For those of you who know who I'm talking about --- don't forget, using his real name will call him....

1 comment:

julie said...

Does is make *me* a dork to doubt that any teenager will be using the verb "snogging" in 2016?