Monday, July 30, 2007

I want it on the record...

that we went to IKEA and didn't buy anything...

We went looking for a new bed.

We found one hubby likes but I'm not wild about.

It is growing on me, but it isn't there yet... sigh.

Our old bed is too big for the new bedroom (it is a pretty massive canopy-ish bed). I'm just not sure I'm ready for the cheap Swedish look yet... maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

we went nearly 2 weeks ago and have not yet put together the bookcases. they're just sitting in the laundry room. how sad.

want a waterbed?

julie said...

I went on Sunday, too, to accompany new-house-owner in the next office: he found a TON of stuff (and I understand may be the recipient of your extra bookshelves??).

comebacknikki said...

You went to IKEA and didn't buy anything? That's a serious accomplishment! I always get sucked into getting something whether I need it or not (usually another plant!)