Sunday, August 24, 2008

being dizzy sucks...

... as does getting anybody to help you with it.

Really, Hubby and I went to the ER on Thursday night. They gave me meds that didn't work, did some blood work and sent me home 7 hours later. They didn't look in my ears -- even though I told them I'd had a cold.

Friday we tried to make the meds work -- but, the only way I could not be really ill was to lay very still... most of the time with my eyes closed. I listened to the radio and napped all day -- which was kind of ok, since we got home from the ER about 4 AM.

Saturday, finally, we got to talk to a nurse -- who persuaded a doctor to try something different. Plus, I took some vitamins and tried other stuff --- and, while I'm not 100%, as of Sunday sit up a bit, read a book lying in bed and be more comfortable...

Learn this lesson -- don't get sick outside of regular business hours.... really... don't do it.

My mom will be here late tonight for the hand-off, as Hubby has to head back to Red State for another year....

and, school starts tomorrow. My syllabi are written -- but not copied. My first classes are Tuesday.... by which time I'll probably be ok to do the minimal first-day of class stuff.... provided I can get the syllabi copied...

for now, I'm going back to bed.


Anonymous said...

you are an academic goddess. really. i'm so impressed with the way you're holding everything together.

Psych Post Doc said...

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your "during business hours" doctors can figure out what's up and get you something that works tomorrow.