Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 1 eve....

I'm pretty much back to normal -- thank goodness...

My office is minimally organized and I have my syllabi copied for tomorrow...

I'll meet about 180 students tomorrow -- in four sections. Two ethics and two logic. Yes-- my math is correct, we have 50 as the course cap in ethics and 40 in logic.

no, that isn't right or good --but it is what it is... and attempts to change it have been met with stone walls all around -- because, as a department, we have a very low cost per student.... and that means the college makes cash on us.

If you look at your class of 20-30 tomorrow, be very, very grateful, as someone else is teaching a class of 50 to make the academic math work.

now, to bed -- as my first class is at 7:45 AM... and it could be a doozie, as registration was opened up late.... maybe all the really, really good students waited until the last couple of weeks in the summer to register for ethics??? yea, right.

ETA -- all my courses are at the max, except the early ethics course... who knows what will show up this week --- yikes.


Anonymous said...

my class is capped at 22 and currently has 29 students in it. I'm thinking what kind of cap is 22? dude.

Anonymous said...

yup, mine are all full to the max, but, as you said, in the 20-30 range.

good luck, that sounds like a long Tuesday.