Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I suppose it is fitting....

... that my last day of summer will be spent like the first day, in the f-ing hospital.

I do think this has been the crappiest summer I've ever had, bar none.

Today they mess with my port, possibly replacing it -- and tomorrow we start our back to school meetings.

I also have a cold.... and a minor infection for which I'm taking antibiotics.... To top it off, I can't eat or drink anything, which tends to exaggerate my nausea. It could be a really fun day....

grrrrrrrrrr! This is testing even my significant amount of patience.


Meansomething said...

Ugh! I'm sorry for the crappiness of your summer. I hope things go more smoothly and faster today than you expect. That all kinds of kindness and support flow your way. And that you can eat something inoffensive soon.

Bardiac said...

I'm sorry to hear about the continuing problems.

I would gladly send cheese curds or lutefisk if I thought they'd help.

Anonymous said...

argh. I wish you could be out in the nice sunny day.