Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chemo, round 3...

...took forever today -- because my port is being stubborn.

In the past we've been able to make it work -- but today was different, so it went in my arm. Thank goodness my veins are still pretty ok.

Next week I have an appointment to have it investigated via a contrast dye -- or something. If they can't make it work, they'll replace it the same day. That will be the fourth surgery this summer. Thank goodness the surgery is very minor (30 minutes, barely any anesthesia).

grrrrr...... but, at least the port problems will be solved.

I really hate to tempt fate by asking what else could go wrong.

and - if it weren't for all these other side issues, the chemo itself would have been a pretty simple and uncomplicated process.


Bardiac said...


For folks I've known going through chemo or whatever, there always seem to be myriad little things going wrong, taking extra time, and so on.

Psych Post Doc said...

I hope they're able to get it to work without another surgery. Even if it's minor, it's still surgery.

Kalynne Pudner said...

OMG...Reading through your posts exorcises any claim I have to feel sorry for myself! You have 250 phil students, cancer, AND an upbeat attitude? You're my hero. Hope you have a terrific semester.

Coffee-Drinking Woman said...

hope the port issue is resolved and all goes smoothly from here on out.

Anonymous said...

you're in my thoughts, though i am such a sporadic reader now, i go in spurts. you are amazing!

Anonymous said...

hey there, hoping you're ok. that's been a long round.