So, FB and I decided to start a blog... leftyconcarne
We're going to talk about food, life, politics and whatever comes into our twisted little minds as we navigate life, love and the internet.
Come give us some love -- or, at least put us in your reader... please.
bonus --we refer to one another by our first names -- so, you can figure out that much :).
Sunday, November 14, 2010
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your link is broken.
^^what she said!
It's not broken anymore... and I'm late to the party, as usual.
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Consistant with "reverse positioning" understand the REAL Second Coming would equate with The Matrix's Anti-Christ, the fake battle of good and evil which will come at the end.
I have spoken on this issue in years past. Understanding how they use the political encviornment to redefine people's value system, realize anyone who speaks of the old world and its ways will envoke hatred. So when/if the Anti-Christ comes along speaking of reverting back to what liberalism would consider repressed and immoral may be the only hope to salvage the god's favor and keep moving forward rather than begin the 1000 year clock. The fake Second Coming will feed into this political enviornment.
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