Saturday, January 09, 2010

Back from the sunshine state...

I had another source of amusement while I was in Florida -- they thought it was cold -- so the weathermen were wearing parkas and advising people that their dogs shouldn't stay out in the "bitter cold" -- it was 30 or so -- in BNstate, we call that Spring and put on shorts.

I came home to actual chilly weather -- highs in the single digits -- and snow etc... a normal January.

Today I came down with what I'm calling the "Family flu" -- it seems my uncle and cousin both had a 24 hour bug. The pattern is you feel fine -- until you projectile vomit -- over and over for a few hours... then you feel fine again. Yea, that was fun. I have to say, chemo NEVER made me feel that sick. The weird thing is, now I feel fine... I'm a little wobbly, and I haven't tested my tummy with any food -- but, I also haven't heaved since about 8:30.... I'm just hoping I didn't pass it on to Hubby...


Seeking Solace said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better.

Stay warm!!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I feel a lot better -- and I've been able to eat a little today, but I still feel like spending most of the day in bed... which is ok when it's -20 out... The nice thing is my bedroom windows get nice afternoon sun, so it's toasty warm.