Thursday, June 18, 2009

0 to...

2,442 words -- in two days.

The Selective Conscientious Objection chapter is taking shape...

My goal is to have a start on all the sections I think I need by tomorrow... which is pretty reasonable.

I start teaching summer classes on Monday, so my writing time will be more limited and thus it should be a good time to do the reading/research necessary to flesh out each of the sections I started this week.

Earlier this week I saw an episode of Voyager in which a medical image of a person emerged starting from the skeleton on out to the fully-formed person. I think writing is this way. The initial ideas and argument are the bones. Adding the muscles, tendons and organs is the hard meaty part of the writing and it's all finished off by adding the skin and clothing that's the polishing part of the writing.

So far chapters 1-3 are fully-formed but skinless. Chapter 4 has most of the basic muscle groups in place, but no organs. Chapter 5 is a weird combination -- kind of like a person with nothing below the waist -- (a transporter accident, perhaps) -- what's there is fully-formed and polished, but it's missing a lot.

Yea -- not a bad place to be for mid-June, eh?


Shea said...

It must be difficult to write during the summer months. I'll be starting the process of writing an article about my master's thesis for publication at the beginning of July, and I can already feel the "I don't wanna" coming around...

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Actually, it isn't terrible -- I figured out that if I'm going to do it, I need to get it done first thing in the morning, otherwise the 'I don't feel like it' voice gets louder!

I'm going to write a post about getting writing done...