Saturday, January 10, 2009

A new semester...

.. and a new way to organize stuff.

It started with a new logic text, which comes in a three-ring binder style. That way me and my students only need to bring part of it to class...

So, I went shopping for 3-ring binders. Office Max had some cool ones, so I bought one per class I'm teaching.

I also bought calendars that will fit into the big binder so I can keep track of stuff, make notes etc.

My goal is to end the semester with a binder full of lecture/discussion/reading notes as well as hard copies of all assignments etc.

Since I broke my promise to myself not to use any new books until I have a finished dissertation -- this should help me in future semesters....


Seeking Solace said...

I wish I knew about the binders. I could have sent you some gently used ones!

JaneB said...

Oooh, new stationary... what fun!