Saturday, October 25, 2008

Winter is coming... we can hear it

Our apartment has unusual acoustics. We noticed it first last winter, when it gets windy outside it seems to humm...

and the humming is back. It is supposed to be cold and rainy in BNstate today with the prospect of a bit of snow tomorrow.

The plan for the weekend is hibernation -- I have a few work things to do, some work on chapter 2 -- so I can start on the chapter I'll be presenting in January -- and perhaps a bit of housecleaning... at least enough so that when my Honors Student/house cleaner comes next week I won't have to scramble to clean so she can clean.

I'm also going to the store for stuff to make wild rice soup and apple crisp.

A perfect fall to winter transitional weekend, no?


Seeking Solace said...

NOOOOOOO! We are supposed to get snow this weekend in my neck of the woods.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

You and I could never be roommates -- we'd get along fine, but one of us would always be feeling icky when the other felt good, so we couldn't live in the same region :).

I like winter because everything I'm allergic to freezes -- and I know it exacerbates your medical challenges.